
Climate Adaptation Mainstreaming through Innovation


CAMINO reconciled economic growth (Europe2020) and climate adaptation. It delivered innovative governance approaches and business cases that supported mainstreaming climate adaptation in local investment projects and product/service development.

CAMINO built upon results of MARE, SKINT, SAWA (NSR), FRC (NWE) & BaltCica (BSR) and enriched its 5 regional partnerships with industry and (inter)national policy makers. This enabled implementation of 10 local pilots, and the development and dissemination of transnational Future Perspectives for innovative sustainable growth in the North Sea Region. 

02/09/2013 - 01/03/2015
1 - Building on our Capacity for Innovation
ERDF Grant
303,500.00 €
ERDF Equivalent
46,500.00 €
Total Eligible Budget
700,000.00 €
Lead Beneficiary
Gemeente Dordrecht
Ellen Kelder
Tel: +31 786 396 461
Beneficiaries per Country
The Netherlands
Gemeente Dordrecht
Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier
City of Bergen
United Kingdom
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Technical University Hamburg - Harburg
Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
Background and Aim

CAMINO aimed to: 

  • Reconcile economic growth and climate adaptation in the North Sea Region through identification of innovative governance structures and business cases that support mainstreaming climate adaptation in local investment projects and product/service development
  • Bring together results of MARE, SKINT, SAWA (all NSR), FRC (NWE) and BaltCica (BSR) and enrich existing public-private partnerships to support and accelerate the implementation of over 10 innovative cases in urban and business development. In collaboration with (inter)national policy makers and think tanks, the approaches and instruments underlying these cases were synthesised into a Future Perspectives vision for local authorities to drive forward both investment and adaptation.

Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme has in its Priority 2 supported many projects that develop partnerships, tools and strategies for local adaptation to flood risk. Local authorities in MARE, SAWA, SKINT developed such plans successfully. When moving to implementation, however, many independently ran into similar barriers. Largely due to austerity measures, single-purpose climate adaptation projects were halted. Examples are Sheffield 's Flood Alleviation programme, Dordrecht's dike reinforcement or Noorderkwartier's sewerage decoupling plan.

This put at risk ambitions to improve the region's adaptation to climate change. Nearly all local authorities across the North Sea Region will face this problem in years to come.

These circumstances however lead CAMINO partners to look for new, innovative ways to deliver their projects. Emerging initiatives included novel governance arrangements that allowed sharing of infrastructure investments and the benefits, or open up procurement to novel technologies, or simply explicitly link climate adaptation projects with a business development objective. Matching new partnerships were formed, both public-public and public-private.

For example, Sheffield approached local businesses to co-finance flood alleviation measures for their industry estates. Dordrecht used new cost-benefit analysis tools to propose 4 authorities to consider joint investment in a dike, and it created areas where private developers can demonstrate innovative, attractive climate adaptive buildings or flood-proof road types. Noorderkwartier now engages Do-It-Yourself businesses to market residential water tanks instead of investing in costly drainage capacity.

Such initiatives were exactly the strategies and projects aimed for by Europe 2020 and national innovation programmes. These emerging approaches therefore provided Future Perspectives on how the North Sea Region local authorities could drive forward public and private investments that realise the dual objectives of triggering economic growth and climate adaptation.

CAMINO brought together outcomes from precursor projects necessary to advance projects: tools and processes from SKINT, expertise on managing networked knowledge and policy development from MARE, dissemination from SAWA and involvement of policy makers from FRC.

CAMINO partners from Dordrecht (NL), Hamburg (DE), Bergen (NO), Rotherham (UK), and the Flemish Environment Agency (BE) worked together with knowledge partners UNESCO-IHE (EU) and TUHH (DE), and over 50 regional partners. They built upon this expertise, identifying Governance arrangements, enriching partnerships with industry and high-level policy makers, and advancing over 10 pilots from precursor projects.

These outcomes were synthesized into Future Perspectives on Climate Adaptation Mainstreaming, which can support local authorities, national policy makers and think tanks across the North Sea Region and Europe. 

  • A detailed CAMINO methodology, outlining organizational structure (Learning and Action Alliances) and process for developing business cases from Climate Adaptation
  • A joint transnational assessment framework for mainstreaming opportunities leading to appropriate business case selection
  • Lists of 1) Potential private partners 2) Potential network partners 3) Expanded Learning and Action Alliances
  • An overview of innovative governance and financing instruments and an overview of approaches to public private partnerships for product and services innovation used in Climate Adaptation
  • A map of Climate Adaptation opportunities per partner city
  • A shortlist of potential business opportunities in each region regarding territorial development and a shortlist of potential business opportunities in each region regarding innovative products or services for Climate Adaptation
  • Detailed business cases and an outline of implementation opportunities for innovative instruments
  • A report on Best Practices for innovation Learning and Action Alliances
  • A report on innovative instruments for financing territorial development; a report on instruments for the innovative development of Products & Services, including "typical" validated case solutions; the formulation of Future Perspectives
  • A roadmap towards national level uptake of key results
  • A plan for the continuation of each of the 5 LAA; 5 LAA member lists; established local and transnational working relationships between LAA members 

HHNK:CIA ideas

HHNK: telefoon app

HHNK: startpagina app

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VMM: pictures conference 2

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VMM: picture project area detail

VMM: picture project area
Bergen: Sluttrapport arbeidsgruppe klimatilpasning og overvann
Bergen: Presentation for the City of Oslo in Norwegian 2
Bergen: Presentation for the City of Oslo in Norwegian 1
Bergen: About Green roofs in norway
Bergen: our priject with green roof in Bergen
Bergen: Green roof IKEA
Bergen: Breakfast meeting about Camino projects
Bergen: Presentation for group from Polen
Bergen: Presentation at conference for all Norwegian municipalities 2
Bergen: Presentation at conference for all Norwegian municipalities 1
Bergen: Presentation for delegation from Bulgaria
Bergen: Presentation for delegation from Korea 1
Bergen: Hordaklim Final. Engelsk
Bergen: Presentation for delegation from Korea 2
Bergen: Presentation for delegation from Korea 1
Dordrecht: CAMINO poster triple helix innovation programme
Dordrecht: Innovatieprogramma en positionering CitylabsDordrecht
Dordrecht: Presentation CAMINO HAMBURG
Dordrecht: Future perspectives Rotherham
Dordrecht: benutten van meekoppelkansen voor meerlaagsveiligheid in Dordrecht
Dordrecht: Future perspectives outline Antwerp
Dordrecht: Future perspectives UNESCO IHE + Bax&Willems
Dordrecht: Adaptation mainstreaming for realising urban flood resilience
Dordrecht: Presentation Antwerp march 2015
Dordrecht: Presentation sleeking world conference Sendai
Dordrecht: Presentation Singapore 16 september
HHNK: nieuwsbrief Expertgroep Klimaat Actieve Stad
HHNK: Rioneddag zacht drinkwater
HHNK: Camino
HHNK: Hogeschool Utrecht workshop
HHNK: HNK in de maatschappij
HHNK: co pitch gouden kranen
HHNK: CIA ideas
Rotherham: MART collaborators
Rotherham: Fostering evidence based research
Rotherham: Developing future programme initiatives
Rotherham: Developing future programme initiatives
Rotherham: development of business cases by RMBC
Rotherham: Rotherham NSR actions
Rotherham: MART partners
Rotherham: RMBC policy on the Natural environment 2
Rotherham: RMBC policy on the Natural environment
Rotherham: English ouputs
Rotherham: the rotherham LAA
Rotherham: Validation and implementation of ploices
Rotherham: Validating and mainstreaming multi stakeholder
Rotherham: Seeing the trees for the wood
Rotherham: property level flood protection
Rotherham: Local flood management
Rotherham: communication with developers, builders and property owners
Rotherham: Mainstreaming sustainability through the DIY and construction
UNESCO-IHE: Lecture 4 Gersonius 2015
UNESCO-IHE: ppt oral BGE 2
UNESCO-IHE: ppt oral BGE
UNESCO-IHE: Presentatie Bouwbus
UNESCO-IHE: international conference programme DITOCC
UNESCO-IHE: international conference programme DITOCC
UNESCO-IHE: international conference abstracts DITOCC
UNESCO-IHE: Future Perspectives
VMM: Preparatory study PLP schemes in Europe
VMM: audit report 1
VMM: audit report 2
VMM: audit report 3
VMM: overview potential solutions 2
VMM: overview potential solutions 1
VMM: press article HNB
VMM: tweets conference
VMM: Programme conference
VMM: Report conference

Event Calendar
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