Finance Questions
Content Questions: Project Ideas
Content Questions: Project Development
Content Questions: Pre-Assessment
Content Questions: Application
Content Questions: Implementation and Reporting
Content Questions: Project Closure
Content Questions: Future Perspectives
Q- How does the North Sea Region Programme link to the European Policy Framework?
Q- What is a transnational cooperation programme?
Q- Who are the responsible Committees of the Programme?
Q- What are the main aims of the North Sea Region Programme?
Q- Which thematic fields does the Programme work with?
Q- Which geographical area does the Programme cover?
Q- How much funding does the Programme have?
Q- Is there an official language for the Programme?
Finance Questions
Q- Where can I get information about funds available for my project idea?
Q- Auto decommitment and spending targets - Is it true that a project risks losing part of the grant if the annual spending targets as set out in table 13.2 of the application and repeated in the contract are not met?
Q- Eligibility period - Within which period of time are costs eligible?
Q- The contract - What is the legal form of relationship between the approved project and the Secretariat?
Q- The contract - What do we do if we have not received the contract shortly after we have been notified that the project was approved?
Q- 1st level control - What is the role of the 1st level controller?
Q- 1st level control - Who can be designated as a 1st level controller?
Q- 1st level control - How can I get my controller designated?
Q- The Lead Beneficiary`s responsibility - What is the role of the Lead Beneficiary within the project?
Q- Evidence of expenditure - How do I provide evidence of incurred expenditure?
Q- Evidence of expenditure - Do we have to send bills, time sheets and invoices to the Secretariat?
Q- Staff costs and overhead - Are staff costs eligible?
Q- Travel and accommodation - Are study tours eligible?
Q- Travel and accommodation - Are costs for travel by car eligible?
Q- General costs/Overhead costs - How are general costs/overhead costs calculated?
Q- Income - How does income generated in the project affect the ERDF grant?
Q- Irrecoverable VAT - To what extent is irrecoverable VAT eligible?
Q- Ineligible expenditure - Could this expenditure not just be omitted in the reports?
Q- Subcontractors located in- and outside the eligible area - Can project activities be subcontracted to a contractor outside the eligible area?
Q- Currency - What currency is used in financial matters?
Q- Funding and Norwegian money - Are there any special requirements concerning Norwegian project partners?
Q- External experts / consultants working as project manager - Is it possible to appoint an external expert or a consultant as project manager?
Content Questions: Project Ideas
Q- Does my project idea fit the Programme?
Q- How can I get involved in a project as either beneficiary or lead beneficiary?
Q- How can a project idea be published on the Programme website?
Content Questions: Project Development
Q- What is meant by transnational co-operation?
Q- How can an investment be transnational?
Q- What should the outcome of a North Sea Region Programme project be?
Q- Who can participate in a project?
Content Questions: Pre-Assessment
Q- What is pre-assessment and why should a project proposal perform pre-assessment?
Q- Is there a particular format to be used for pre-assessment?
Q- When can I submit my project idea for pre-assessment and when can I expect feedback?
Q- Is it possible to do pre-assessment for the same project proposal several times?
Content Questions: Application
Q- How are projects selected?
Q- Do I need to carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for my project?
Q- Which criteria does my project have to meet in order to be approved?
Q- What kinds of attributes is the Programme looking for in projects?
Q- How do I submit a project proposal for funding?
Q- How many partners should my project have?
Q- How can I establish relevant indicators for my project?
Content Questions: Implementation and Reporting
Q- What happens if a partner drops out of an approved project?
Q- When is the deadline for reporting?
Q- What am I expected to report on – content wise?
Q- What is the procedure concerning appendices?
Q- What happens if I as a Lead Beneficiary am not able to submit a report on time?
Q- What happens if an activity needs to be changed in a running project?
Q- Can a project carry out activities outside the eligible area?
Q- How do I register changes to my project using the online changes system?
Q- What happens if I need to extend the project ‘completion’ date?
Content Questions: Project Closure
Q- What happens once my project is finished?
Content Questions: Future Perspectives
Q- What happens to the project after its closure?
Q- How can my project achieve a long term legacy?
Q- What is the role of communications in the overall structure of the project?
Q- Why not wait with communications and publicity until the project is underway?
Q- Why do projects need a Communication Plan?
Q- What are the relevant target groups for the promotion of the project and how can they be addressed?
Q- Why is it necessary to include a budget in the Communication Plan? How much should be spent on communications?
Q- Do projects running under the Programme need to have their own website?
Q- What are the formal requirements of the European Commission and the Programme concerning communications and publicity?
Q- Is there a general Programme tagline, which should be used on the publicity materials?
Q- Where can I find the Programme logo, tagline and ERDF reference? Which versions and formats of the Programme logo are available?
Q- Are there any rules on how to use the Programme logo and the ERDF reference?
Q- What are the benefits of using the project section on the Programme website for the promotion of project activities and results?
Q- How can the editable parts of your project presentation on the Programme website be accessed?