
The Secretariat organises a number of North Sea Region Programme (IVB) events each year as described below. You can get detailed information on each event by clicking on the event concerned in the box to the right. An up-to-date overview with dates and locations of events is available in the Events Calendar.

The North Sea Region Programme Annual Conference
The Programme Secretariat arranges and hosts an annual conference in June every year. Each year the activities and programme of the conference targets a specific theme.

A number of seminars and workshops are attached to the event. The conference celebrates the work put out up to that point and looks into the future towards opportunities and challenges to come. Sessions with thematic discussions, including project management issues, is organised for the participants. Furthermore, an exhibition is set up to enable projects to display their achievements.

It is an opportunity for project partners old and new, to come together and show people what they have achieved so far and exchange advice and inspiration for the next phase of their activities.

All approved projects are invited to share their achievements, as well as those organisations and private persons with an interest in the development of the North Sea Region, and more specifically in the North Sea Region Programme, as a tool to work towards balanced regional development.

Lead Beneficiary Seminars 
The Lead Beneficiary of a project is responsible for its implementation and this involves additional duties and requirements on top of the general commitment as beneficiary. The seminars give Lead Beneficiaries the opportunity to meet with experts from the Secretariat who can explain and clarify the necessary procedures.

The seminars also give beneficiaries from related projects the chance to meet and develop potential synergies. Lead Beneficiary Seminars are generally held after a Call for Applications and following the Steering Committee meetings, in order to get newly approved projects off the ground.

Thematic Seminars
A series of thematic North Sea Region Programme events haven taken place in the past and will be arranged again soon.

The main aim for these seminars is to elaborate and spread the Programme's achievements related to a specific Programme issue to those involved or having an interest in the specific theme. Simultaneously, a platform for discussing issues of common interest and an opportunity to exchange experience among approved projects will be provided.

The events target national, regional and local authorities, international organisations and public or private organisations with relevant experience and/or interest in the specific issues related to the theme.

Event Calendar
Events Archive

09 July 2015
06 July 2015
30 June 2015
18 May 2015
21 April 2015