Talking about… a series of short videos illustrating key concepts of the North Sea Region Programme. The aim of the videos is to highlight potentially challenging issues by interviewing people involved in the Programme and its projects as well as policy makers and politicians on different levels. Videos on Effective Communications and Tangible Results will follow in autumn 2009. Transnational Cooperation Transnationality is one of the pillars of European interregional cooperation. It involves cooperation between regions in a specified geographic area, i.e. the North Sea Region. Listen to what project managers and representatives from the Commission have to say on the topic. Political Support The need to involve policy makers and politicians already at early stages of project development is one of the key factors for success and long lasting results of any project. Politicians and public officials share their thoughts on this issue in this video. Partnership Considerations The success of a project is much dependent on assembling the right team and getting the partners to work effectively together. In this video project managers reflect on the importance of a relevant and effective partnership.