
Climate changing soils


The project concerned BioChar, which is a product of biomass-to-energy processing systems, and had as its aim to raise awareness and build confidence in BioChar as a way of capturing carbon and increasing soil quality and stability.

In order to keep up with international competition, it was mandatory to develop and compile a transnational North Sea Region knowledge base, which can be utilized by national and regional authorities, businesses and the general public.

Climate change in the North Sea Region is predicted to have a pronounced effect on annual rainfall patterns. Soils, rich in organic matter and biological life, function both as a water buffer during periods of drought and as drainage during periods of heavy rains.

Biochar created a triple win scenario for simultaneously producing bio-energy, permanently sequestering carbon, while increasing crop yields by improving soil and water quality.

01/10/2009 - 01/10/2013
2 - Promoting the Sustainable Management of our Environment
Area of Intervention
2.3 Adapting to and reducing risks posed to society and nature by a changing climate
ERDF Grant
2,331,967.00 €
ERDF Equivalent
60,504.00 €
Total Eligible Budget
4,865,615.00 €
Lead Beneficiary
Provincie Groningen, The Netherlands
J Koopmans
Tel: +31 50 316 44 75
Project Homepage
Beneficiaries per Country
Universiteit Gent
Flemish Region
EV Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research
Riso DTU National Laboratory for sustainable energy
BioForsk Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) - Department of Microbiology
The Netherlands
Provincie Groningen
Productschap Akkerbouw
Nutrient Management Institute
Alterra B.V.
HAWK, Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaft Und Kunst
United Kingdom
University of Edinburgh
Background and Aim

The aim of the project was to develop, implement and disseminate the Biochar strategy in the North Sea Region for climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation by increasing soil quality and stability with soil BioChar amendments. This project had three clear targets (workpackages):

  1. Implementation of biochar knowledge dissemination strategies for authorities, producers and end-users of biochar 
  2. Transnational development and compilation of knowledge base and methodological standards 
  3. Transnational development and compilation of knowledge base and methodological standards on Biochar applications.

BioChar is a product of thermal biomass-to-energy processing systems and is a way of capturing carbon, making the soil climate change resilient and producing bio-energy. The BioChar knowledge within the North Sea Region is scarce and scattered and in order to keep up with international competition it is mandatory to develop and compile a transnational North Sea Region knowledge base, which can be utilized by national and regional authorities, businesses and the general public.

Climate change in the North Sea Region is predicted to have a pronounced effect on annual rainfall patterns. Soils, rich in organic matter and biological life, function both as a water buffer during periods of drought and as drainage during periods of heavy rains. Application of biochar into soils is also a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) strategy because it actually creates a sink for carbon in soils and prevents its release into the atmosphere.

1. Joint development and implementation of biochar knowledge dissemination strategy for authorities, producers and end-users of biochar and public opinion for raising awareness and building confidence in biochar applications. (WP2)

a) Successful execution of the dissemination strategy of biochar knowledge collected and obtained by the Interreg project

b) Creation of easily accessible and widely distributed newsletters as well as the manuscript for a popular book on biochar accurately describing the current state of affairs in all things biochar

c) The creation and/or development of vertically integrated national biochar networks / national forums supported by national biochar competence centres.

2. Joint development and implementation of knowledge and methodological standards on biochar feedstocks, logistics, production, biochar characterisation and environmental impact assessment. (WP3)

a) Creation of an extensive knowledge base and methodological standards on biochar feedstocks, logistics, production, biochar characterisation and environmental impact assessment

b) Greater insight into the inherent risks associated with the use of biochar such as the possible presence of toxins depending on the feedstock used and thereby recognition of the necessity of some form of certification for biochars

c) Additional steps were made with respect to the harmonisation of existing guidelines for biochar certification as published by the International Biochar Initiative (IBI), the European Biochar Certificate (EBC) and the Biochar Quality Mandate (BQM) and steps were made towards consensus on the topic of certification.  

3. Joint development and implementation of methodological standards on Biochar applications for soil quality and fertility improvement, for soil remediation and stabilisation and for carbon capture and storage. (WP4)

a) Creation of an extensive knowledge base on the application of biochar for soil quality and fertility improvement, for soil remediation and stabilisation and for carbon capture and storage

b) Successful execution of innovative field trials in all 7 North Sea Region countries

c) Identification of niche markets for new innovative applications of biochar

d) Greater insight into the possibilities of biochar as a method for large scale carbon sequestration.

Project News
Biochar: climate saving soils End Conference
Dates: 10/12/2013 - 10/12/2013

Danish field trials

Danish competence center

Danish facilities

Norwegian field trials 2

Norwegian field trials 1

Norwegian competence center

Dutch field trials

German brain teaser

German field trials

UK pyrolysis equipment

UK field trials

Swedish lysimeters - below ground

Swedish lysimeters - above ground

Swedish competence center

Belgian field trials

Belgian competence center
Paper - Short-Term Effect of Feedstock and Pyrolysis Temperature on Biochar Characteristics, Soil and Crop Response in Temperate Soils by Victoria Nelissen et al. (2014)
Paper - Biochar–root interactions are mediated by biochar nutrient content and impacts on soil nutrient availability by M.T. Prendergast- Miller, M. Duvall & S.P. Sohi (2013)
Paper - Ökobilanz im Rahmen des EU-Projektes “Biochar: climate saving soils By Jan-Markus Rödger, Jim Hammond, Achim Loewen & Simon Shackley (2012)
Paper - Environmental Assessment of different biochar utilization paths by Jan-Markus Rödger, Jim Hammond , Achim Loewen & Simon Shackley (2011)
End Conference #14 - Romke Postma - Perspectives of biochar as a soil conditioner
End Conference #13 - Greet Ruysschaert - Field trials with biochar in the North Sea Region
End Conference #12 - Dorette Stöver-Müller - Suitability of gasification biochar as a renewable phosphorus fertilizer
End Conference #11 - Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen - Subsoil biochar application to vitalize coarse sandy soils
End Conference #10 - Saran Sohi - Screening biochar for effects on nutrient balance around roots
End Conference #9 - Victoria Nelissen - Nitrogen dynamics in the soil
End Conference #8 - John Stenström - Effect of biochar on pesticide and P sorption and leaching
End Conference #7 - Kor Zwart - Key functions of biochar in soil
End Conference #6 - Hans-Peter Schmidt - Cascading use of biochar
End Conference #5 - Wytze van der Gaast - Biochar for carbon sequestration, developments in the carbon market
End Conference #4 - Achim Loewen - Life Cycle Analysis of biochar
End Conference #3 - Frederik Ronsse - Commercial biochar production and its certification
End Conference #2 - Ondrej Masek - Production of biochar- different aspects of pyrolysis
End Conference #1 - Frans Debets - Introduction
Project report - Effect of biochar on the leaching of MCPA and Bentazone
Project report - Effect of biochar on sorption and leaching of pesticides
Project report - Effect of biochar on pesticide degradation
Project report - Effect of biochar on crop roots

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