
Hydrogen Transport Economy for the North-Sea Region


HyTrEc aimed to support the validation, promotion and adoption of innovative hydrogen technologies across the North Sea Region and enhance the region’s economic competitiveness within the transport and associated energy sectors.

The project provided a platform to support the collaborative development of strategy and initiatives (at regional, supra-regional and transnational level) and that informed and shaped the development of infrastructure, technology, skills and financial instruments to support the application of hydrogen based technologies across the North Sea Region.

01/06/2012 - 30/06/2015
3 - Improving the Accessibility of Places in the North Sea Region
Area of Intervention
3.1 To promote regional accessibility strategies
ERDF Grant
1,641,665.00 €
Total Eligible Budget
3,283,329.00 €
Lead Beneficiary
Aberdeen City Council
Yasa Ratnayeke
Tel: +44 1224523807
Project Homepage
Beneficiaries per Country
United Kingdom
Aberdeen City Council
HFC Co-operative Ltd
Gateshead College
Europaisches Institute for Innovation
Green Network
Hydrogen Sweden
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
Background and Aim


The Hydrogen Transport Economy for the North Sea Region (HyTrEc) worked with partners from the UK, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

The aim of the project was to work together on

  • regional accessibility strategies
  • environmentally responsible energy production practices
  • developing different modes of transport
  • transnational transport corridors
  • efficient and effective logistics solutions
  • sustainable growth solutions


Oil and gas technologies have dominated the energy/transport sector and enjoyed the benefits of scale effects, and of on-going technological improvement/optimization. In what is effectively a monopoly situation, it is difficult to develop less mature alternative technology solutions. This is particularly true of hydrogen technologies, which if used in association with fuel cells, could replace the conventional duo formed by hydrocarbons/combustion systems (engines, turbines, etc.) delivering significant economic and environmental benefits including a significant reduction in GHG emissions/pollution in urban areas and decreasing energy dependency on oil. 

Governments (National/Regional/Local) across the North Sea Region have been separately developing strategies/plans and implementing initiatives designed to support R&TD and pilot/demonstrate the potential of hydrogen-based technologies. These efforts are largely disjointed and generally designed to support the development of indigenous (national) industry/sectors that can compete with other advanced economies (e.g. USA). 

Across the North Sea Region there are significant national variations, not only as regards policy vis-a-vis support for indigenous industry, but also in how strategy/plans (at local, sub-regional/regional level) are developed to enable a transition from energy/transport systems dependent upon and with infrastructure geared to fossil fuels to a hydrogen based alternative and support regional accessibility. Strategy and policy commitments now vary significantly across the North Sea Region increasing the likelihood that significant disparities will emerge across the region as regards the development of internationally competitive, environmentally sustainable, energy and transport sector. 

It is imperative that the North Sea Region marshal its efforts as an internationally competitive economic bloc, however, the absence of structures or platforms from which to share knowledge, experience and support the collaborative development of policy, strategy and plans is inhibiting development and is likely foster conditions in which largely dislocated and fragmented solutions are likely to emerge across the NSR. This is in stark contrast to, for example, the USA where the Department Of Energy is able to guide and shape the development (via stimulus packages and associated measures) of innovative, interoperable technologies and infrastructure on a national scale. 

  • A Hydrogen Transport Stakeholder Group to identify barriers hindering access to and adoption of innovative hydrogen technologies, and develop strategies/initiatives to create a fully functioning North Sea Region hydrogen corridor
  • A transnational pilot study to improve the accessibility and connectivity of existing regional hydrogen corridors and support the development and deployment of hydrogen supply chain infrastructure in urban and rural settings
  • A novel, portable hydrogen refuelling station demonstrator
  • A North Sea Region education forum to identify skills gaps and develop training solutions including two modular training programmes concerned with the design of infrastructure and hydrogen safety
  • Access to public/private sector financial instruments supporting the development of hydrogen technology via an annual innovation forum, which will provide a platform supporting the design/development of new financial instruments (including cross-regional/pan-european)
  • Proven support to the development of SME clusters to deliver new hydrogen turnkey infrastructure solutions

HyTrEc Vehicle Tour - EIfI 2

HyTrEc Vehicle Tour - EIfI and Green Network

HyTrEc Vehicle Tour - EIfI 3

HyTrEc Vehicle Tour-EIfI

HyTrEc Final Conference - Vehicle Showcase - Aberdeen May 15

Launch of Aberdeen Strategy Framework - May 13

NSR Annual Conference 14 -Carsten and Rachel - Hybrid van
HyTrEc Project Partners Meeting
Dates: 16/10/2013 - 17/10/2013
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 4 Questions
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 3 Questions
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 2 Questions
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 1 Questions
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 4 Hydrogen Distribution and Safety
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 3 Hydrogen Manufacture and Safety
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 2 Hydrogen Fundamentals
Hydrogen Awareness (L2) - Unit 1
KLAR Vehicles - level 2 - Hydrogen Education HyTrEc
KLAR Vehicles - level 1 - Hydrogen Education HyTrEc
KLAR Safety and storage - level 1 - Hydrogen Education HyTrEc
KLAR Production - level 1 - Hydrogen Education HyTrEc
KLAR Fuel cells - level 2 - Hydrogen Education HyTrEc
KLAR Fuel cells - level 1 - Hydrogen Education HyTrEc
KLAR Electrolysis - level 1 - Hydrogen Education HyTrEc
HyTrEc Skills - Hydrogen Awareness Leaflet - Gateshead College Nov 14
HyTrEc Policy Position Paper - EIfI Sept 14
NSR Hydrogen Strategy Framework-WaterstofNet May 15
HyTrEc Model for Sustainability - EiFI Oct 14
HyTrEc Funding SME Innovations Case Study Guide-EiFI May 15
HyTrEc Finance and SMEs Overview-EiFI Oct 14
HyTrEc A Hydrogen Journey through the NSR summary leaflet - May 15
HyTrEc A Hydrogen Journey through the NSR - The Theory Nov 14
HyTrEc A Hydrogen Journey through the NSR - the Reality-Jan15
Gateshead Mixed Fuel Demonstrator Report
Aberdeen Van Leaflet - Fuel Cell Range extended electric
Aberdeen Van Leaflet - Hydrogen Diesel Hybrid
Aberdeen Hydrogen Strategy_March 15
Aberdeen H2 Strategy - Summary Leaflet - Mar 15
HyTrEc Partner Posters - WaterstofNet - May 15
HyTrEc Partner Posters - Narvik - May 15
HyTrEc Partner Posters - Hydrogen Sweden / SP - May 15
HyTrEc Partner Posters - Green Network - May 15
HyTrEc Partner Posters - Gateshead College - May 15
HyTrEc Partner Posters - EiFI - May 15
HyTrEc Partner Posters - Aberdeen - May 15
HyTrEc Newsletter - Issue 4 Dec 14
HyTrEc Newsletter - Issue 5 April 15
HyTrEc Newsletter - Issue 4 Dec 14
HyTrEc Newsletter - Issue 3 Jul 14
HyTrEc Newsletter - Issue 2 Mar 14
HyTrEc Newsletter - Issue 1 Nov 13

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