
Impact of Climate Change on the quality of urban and coastal waters


The DiPol project had the aim of identifying impacts and suggesting measures to reduce the adverse consequences of climate change that affect the quality of urban and coastal waters.

A tool, which illustrates the impacts of climate changes on water quality was developed and implemented within the DiPol project. By introducing the results into the level of European policy making, a long term impact on the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy was expected.

01/01/2009 - 30/06/2012
2 - Promoting the Sustainable Management of our Environment
Area of Intervention
2.3 Adapting to and reducing risks posed to society and nature by a changing climate
ERDF Grant
1,887,890.00 €
ERDF Equivalent
110,100.00 €
Total Eligible Budget
4,142,780.00 €
Lead Beneficiary
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Germany
Prof. Calmano
Tel: +49 (0)40 42878 3108
Project Homepage
Beneficiaries per Country
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH)
Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (BSU)
FH Lübeck
Gymnasium Kirchdorf-Wilhelmsburg
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW)
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
Elvebakken videregående skole
Norwegian Climate- and Pollution Agency (Klif)
The Netherlands
Vrije Universiteit (VU-IVM)
Statens geotekniska institut (SGI)
University of Gothenburg
Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL)
Albertslund Municipality
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
University of Copenhagen
Hvidovre Forsyning A/S (Utilities)
Copenhagen municipality Vej og Park
Glostrup municipality, Natur og miljø
Background and Aim

DiPol aimed to collect knowledge on the impact of climate change on water quality, to communicate and raise awareness towards this knowledge, to improve the ability of decision makers to counteract these impacts on local and international level, and to facilitate public participation herein. 

SIMACLIM, a tool developed within the DiPol project, illustrated these complex environmental processes and simulated different scenarios, which could aim at certain societal goals.

On international level, DiPol partners presented SIMACLIM to working groups from OSPAR, WFD, ICES, TWSC and HELCOM to communicate climate change impacts on water quality and thus implement DiPol results in monitoring programs to prevent deterioration of transnational coastal water bodies.

On local level, SIMACLIM and the web-based knowledge platform made complex data available in a way that enabled decision makers to choose cost-effective, adaptive measures to counteract climate change impacts on water quality using scenarios that addressed either legislative, societal, environmental or economic concerns.

Sustainable adaptive management of the triangle urban-river-coast required information, participation, and acceptance of the public when planning measures. Specifically the young generation was addressed by a documentary film explaining from other pupils' perspectives the interconnectivity of climate change, water quality and society.

The Water Framework Directive and the planned Marine Strategy Directive demand activities from member states to prevent deterioration of coastal waters. In order to achieve a “good ecological status” of all surface waters, member states are obliged to suggest a “program of measures” in the river basins to be ultimately implemented by 2027.

Currently, planned programs do not address climate-induced changes of contaminant transport due to the complexity of processes and variability of regional specifications. But unless climate change impacts are integrated in management concepts – and DiPol helped in doing this – they will potentially fail in the attempt to reach the objectives of the Frameworks and to sustain a healthy environment.

Measures to counteract adverse climate-related impacts need to be planned well in advance and based on sound knowledge of complex interactions in the triangle river-urban-sea. They need to be cost-efficient and promise best results with lowest expenses. Therefore a tool that illustrates the impacts of climate change in water quality and is able to evaluate consequences of potential measures is needed to help regional and national decision makers to adapt their management to the changing climate.

Such a programme (SIMACLIM) was developed for the first time within DiPol. It was based on expert knowledge of climate-induced processes and accompanied by an open web-based knowledge platform for data and experiences.

  • Development and implementation of a demonstration and evaluation tool, SIMACLIM, through specialized working groups on atmospheric pollutants, pathogenic bacteria, dissolved substances, particle bound substances and North Sea Region coastal transport
  • Development of demonstration scenarios
  • Establishment of a web-based knowledge platform on the basis of four case studies
Project News
7th DiPol Consortium Meeting
Dates: 19/03/2012 - 21/03/2012
DiPol Final Conference
Dates: 15/09/2011 - 15/09/2011
6th DiPol Consortium Meeting
Dates: 14/09/2011 - 16/09/2011
5th DiPol Consortium Meeting
Dates: 07/03/2011 - 09/03/2011
4th DiPol Consortium Meeting & Workshops
Dates: 20/09/2010 - 22/09/2010
3rd DiPol Consortium Meeting
Dates: -

Location of the DiPol case studies

DiPol MapMyClimate - A visualisation tool containing the results of the WP Risk Analysis

Visualisation of SCREMOTOX model results

Visualisation of data contained in the Web-based Knowledge Platform

Students have been involved in the WP on Risk Ananlysis

Students have been involved in the WP on Risk Ananlysis (2)

Students from Hamburg visited Oslo (Elvebakken school) in the framework of the Documentary production

Students from Hamburg and Oslo during their common work on the documentary

Overview on the situation at the German case study

Norwegian students are working on the production of the documentary

Monitoring activities at the Swedish case study

Monitoring activities at the Swedish case study (2)

Monitoring activities at the Norwegian case study

Monitoring activities at the German case study

Monitoring activities at the Danish case study

Integrated analysis of samples taken at the 4 case studies

Exemplarily results of the DiPol-SIMACLIM-4R-Model

Excursion with students on Oslofjord - Investigation of sediment samples

Final Conference - DiPol coordinator Wolfgang Calmano

Final Conference - DiPol project manager Marco Ritzkowski

Final Conference - Reception at the Hamburg Town Hall

Final Conference - Poster exhibition

Sampling water at the Swedish case study

Raw suspended matter extracts for toxicity testing – Samples from the German & Danish case studies

DiPol Consortium - Kick-Off Meeting in Hamburg (2009)

Event Calendar
Events Archive
