
Build with CaRe - Mainstreaming Energy efficiency in the built environment


The aim of the Build with Care project was to mainstream energy efficient building design by raising awareness and increasing knowledge of the potential of energy savings.

In collaboration with the building sector, a transnational strategy for increasing energy efficiency in buildings was developed. Within the project, an education and information programme was carried out to change behaviour in the complete building chain (from consumer to planner, from carpenter to architect) -this aided the setting up of a transnational knowledge and information network.

01/08/2008 - 31/03/2012
4 - Promoting Sustainable and Competitive Communities
Area of Intervention
4.3 Promoting energy efficiency in settlements
ERDF Grant
3,709,876.00 €
ERDF Equivalent
Total Eligible Budget
7,419,752.00 €
Lead Beneficiary
Västra Götalandsregionen Miljösekretariatet, Sweden
Hanna Katarina Nyroos
Tel: +46-10-44 14 033
Beneficiaries per Country
Västra Götalandsregionen Miljösekretariatet
Provincie Oost Vlaanderen
Gesellschaft für Energie und Klimaschutz Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (EKSH)
AZB Ausbildungszentrum Bau in Hamburg GmbH
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH)
Staatliche Gewerbeschule für Bautechnik (G19)
Internationale Bauausstellung IBA Hamburg GmbH
ZEBAU Zentrum für Energie, Bauen, Architektur und Umwelt
Bremer Energie-Konsens GmbH
Stadt Oldenburg
United Kingdom
Aberdeen City Council
Dundee College
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
University of East Anglia
West Suffolk College
The Netherlands
Gemeente Groningen
Provincie Groningen
Gemeente Noord-Beveland
Background and Aim

The aim of the Build with CaRe (BwC) project was to mainstream energy-efficient building design. It took the necessary steps, in collaboration with the building sector, to develop a transnational strategy for increasing energy efficiency in building. The core message of BwC was that energy efficiency is no longer an ‘if-question', but a ‘how-question'.

BwC aimed to pave the way for a sustainable integrated international market for energy efficient building. Therefore, the project improved the competitiveness of the North Sea Region and stimulated different clusters to keep in a leading position on sustainable building techniques and technologies.

BwC engaged national and regional policy makers, influencing EU, national, regional and local policy developments and helped deliver regional energy-efficiency strategies.

BwC focused on the marketing of energy efficient buildings to meet carbon reduction commitments. It provided the partners the place and tools for importing and exchanging knowledge and experiences, including networks of professionals, new ideas, latest insights, best practices and critical reviews of local actions.

BwC aimed at a better horizontal and vertical integration and further coherence in policy and planning activities.

The challenge to reduce human impact on climate change is strongly prioritized by the EU.

In support of its efficiency goals, the EU issued in 2007 a Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) which states ‘we need to fully harness (...) public policy and market-based instruments to manage demand and create new markets', also ‘Low carbon technologies in general remain expensive and face market penetration obstacles'. Accordingly, the EU drafted a strategy for low or zero emission buildings and prepared to introduce new energy standards for buildings in 2009.

Buildings account for 40% of EU's energy consumption. Success in energy efficiency in this sector is key to achieving the EU's goals.

The North Sea Region is in the technological vanguard and there are many activities which specifically aim to increase energy efficiency in the built environment that have been tried, tested and proven over more than 15 years. Proven techniques have resulted in both lower energy consumption and higher comfort of living. The task of energy reduction in building is not new in the North Sea Region, but our challenge is large scale implementation. 

  • Demonstration objects of low energy buildings in the NSR, University of Anglia, Arts Centre, Nature Reserve Visitor Centre. The aim is to mainstream energy-efficient building design. The demonstration objects will show examples of low energy buildings in each region as transnational demonstration objects. Promotion of design with positive input ventilation systems integral to heating and cooling that will provide healthy door environments. BwC will contribute to the preparation of a new EU building directive in 2008/2009.
  • Analysis on transnational level of energy efficiency of building designs, incl. life-cycle carbon impact analysis relating to components, system, methodologies and design approaches,
  • Local and regional strategies to deliver energy efficient building for the NSR,
  • Skills trainings, education packages for craftsmen on how to produce energy-efficient housing. An extensive transnational education and information programme will be carried out to change behaviour in the complete building,
  • Influence debate on forthcoming EU directive on energy building.

Energy efficient refurbishment, Öckerö, Sweden

Opening of International Passive House Days, Viskafors, Sweden, November 2009

Project meeting Aberdeen, May 2009

Construction of low energy homes, Norfolk

Design of passive house visitors centre, Flanders

Bauraum Bremen

Study visit to passive house, Hamburg, March 2009

Annual Conference, Oldenburg, November 2009

Study visit to BRE, Watford, UK, September 2009

Start Conference Gothenburg October 2008

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