ITRACT aimed to:
The aim of ITRACT was to create sustainable and inclusive regional economies and communities throughout the North Sea Region by improving the virtual and physical modes of transport through innovative technologies.
A number of areas within the North Sea Region are located at a distance from the main economic agglomerations of their countries and lag behind in terms of socio-economic development. Key elements in development are connectivity and accessibility. In line with the European Commission strategy document “A sustainable Future for Transport – towards an integrated technology-led and user-friendly system”, the ITRACT project aimed to improve those capacities through innovative transport and communication concepts. Thereby it also contributed to the Digital Agenda of Europe 2020.
Physical transport and good virtual communications were both regarded as important to reduce the social and economic exclusion of remote areas.
Within the triple helix of business, governmental, and knowledge institutions, the project developed an information architecture and ran pilot actions in order to create standardized technical procedures for efficient and user-friendly transport services.