
Energy Vision North Sea Region


The EVNSR project clustered the IVB North Sea Region Programme renewable energy projects. EVNSR drew on the value and strengths identified in the individual projects in order to increase the deployment rate of renewable energy in the North Sea Region. EVNSR interconnected the different individual results and amplified the successes in order to build a Renewable Energy Strategy.

16/01/2012 - 02/07/2013
3 - Improving the Accessibility of Places in the North Sea Region
ERDF Grant
264,298.00 €
Total Eligible Budget
528,596.00 €
Lead Beneficiary
Energy Valley
Robbin van der Linde
Tel: 0031613977532
Project Homepage
Beneficiaries per Country
The Netherlands
Energy Valley
Provincie Groningen (Representing project Innovative Foresight Planning for Business Development)
Noorderpoort College
Municipality of Groningen
Provincie Drenthe (Representing project North Sea – SEP)
United Kingdom
Dundee College (Representing project North Sea – SEP)
Basildon Borough Council (Representing project North Sea Supply Connect)
POM West Vlaanderen (Representing project North Sea Supply Connect)
Port of Oostende
Ges für Technologiefördering Itzehoe mbh IZET innovation centre (Representing project Innovative Foresight Planning for Business Development)
Region Midtjylland (Representing project Innovative Foresight Planning for Business Development)
Alexanderson Institutet (Representing project North Sea – SEP)
Background and Aim


The EVNSR project acclaimed to interconnect North Sea Region Programme projects concerned with renewable energy production and distribution and amplify the success factors for the development of renewable energy.

The partnership aimed to make an Energy Vision, based on the lessons learned, existing of intra-regional renewable energy plans, and identified strategic partnerships with the ability to make an European impact.

The project consisted of three parts:

  1. Create a stakeholder platform in the field of renewable energy
  2. Identification of impact factors by analyzing projects 
  3. Defining an interregional renewable energy North Sea Region strategy



Europe’s demand for energy is increasing in an environment of high and unstable energy prices. Greenhouse gas emissions are rising and the energy sector of one the main emitters of greenhouse gases. The energy sector is the fuel of the Europe’s economic engine, having the right approach is crucial for our future. The EU targets (20% share renewable energy in the final consumption by 2020) has led a strong ambition towards a sustainable society. However we need to speed up the needed transformation of our energy system, especially in economically challenging times.

Simultaneously mitigating climate change and securing the energy supply by renewable energy resources constitutes an important factor for mid- to long-term economic growth. Renewable energy is a stimulus for economic growth creating thousands and thousands of jobs true out the North Sea Region. Because of the geographical conditions, the North Sea Region has great potential for renewable energy, the expansion of which is crucial to a successful EU climate policy and for future economic growth and new jobs. Energy from wind and biomass needs to be further developed, researched and promoted.


Related projects:

  • North Sea – SEP
  • NorthseaSupply
  • Innovative Foresight Planning for Business Development (IFP)
  • A roadmap for regional energy visions
  • Energy Vision - an expression of cooperation and starting business cases including recommendations for policy makers

EVNSR - Handover project deliverables

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