On Wednesday 26 June 2013 the closing conference of the Energy Vision North Sea Region (EVNSR) project took place during the EU Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels.
At this meeting the Interreg IVb cluster project presented its findings with respect to (i) opportunities for smart interregional cooperation and specialization towards a more sustainable and integrated energy system around the North Sea, and (ii) the results of an analysis of the "Big Wins" of 9 different energy-related projects implemented under the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme between 2007 and 2013.
The main findings regarding both topics where presented in two short video's:
i. Smart specialisation and cooperation in the NSR: http://vimeo.com/69188062
ii. Renewable energy developments and integration in the NSR: http://vimeo.com/69190358
Under the watchful eye of some 60 representatives of regional, national and international governments, research institutes and representatives from the business; project coordinator Koos Lok of the Energy Valley Foundation handed over the EVNSR analyses results to the president of North Sea Commission Mr. Ole Sörenson and chairman the North Sea Region Programme Mr. Christian Byrith.
Due to the success of this very cost-effective project, a project extension was granted until October 2nd 2013. During this extension, project partners will actively seek opportunities to further disseminate and discuss practical ideas for synergetic cooperation between North Sea regions and eight specific "Building Blocks" (ideas for development of an integrated energy systems around the North Sea on the basis of previous Interreg IVb project results / "Big Wins").
For more information about the EVNSR project results and analysis, if you have any further questions or if you are interested in developing or discussing the appointed themes or "Building Blocks" please do contact Robbin van der Linde at vanderlinde@energyvalley.nl.