User Photo Gallery - Aquarius

Drenthe - In dry summer periods the area needs water supply from Ijssel Lake.

Drenthe - Farmers visit Niedersachsen

Drenthe - Aquarius transnational meeting March 2011

Germany - Problem: Increase of deficit of the climatical waterbalance is increasing need for irrigation, which is essentially done from deep groundwater layers. Further extraction is supposed to harm the local small watercourses

Germany - How much water does the creek need?

Germany - Precision-Irrigation: Testing of further innovation. Testing field in Uelzen

Germany - Networking: Hydro-geological Excursion of stakeholders in Uelzen

Germany - Networking: Bilateral Exchanges with farmers from Sweden and the Netherlands

Germany - Groundwater-household: Hydrogeological modelling. Small creeks: Ecological and hydraulical studies

Germany - Open Day at the Experimental Field 2011. Testing varieties on resilience to watershortage; longterm impact of compost to improve waterstorage-capacity of sandy soils; innovative seeding techniques.

Norway - Western lake Vansjø. After many years of swimming ban, swimming is safe again

Norway - Western lake Vansjø . Important recreation area. Algal bloom caused by large phosphorus loads from agriculture

Norway - Research as basis for reduced phosphorus fertilization

Norway - Reduced erosion and phosphorus losses by no soil tillage in autumn

Investment Norway Demonstration 2

Investment Norway Demonstration 1

Norway - Farmer sharing experiences at Aquarius transnational workshop in Norway

Norway - 16 small constructed wetlands have been established

Sweden - River survey - physical disturbance of ex. river bed and fish migratory passages

Sweden - Possible future controlled flooding area
Total: 54 | Displaying 21 - 40

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09 July 2015
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21 April 2015