North Sea-SEP Midterm Confernce in Assen / Netherlands
The North Sea-SEP Midterm Conference will take place in the Netherlands hosted by the project partner Province of Drenthe.
On 14 April, the conference will be open to the interested public. Political representatives and external experts from the partner regions will give their views on the future prospects for energy planning. Topics will include economics, climate, and European, regional and local goals for innovation in sustainability and energy planning. There will also be ample opportunity for discussion and the exchange of knowledge and ideas.
All interested persons and institutions are very welcome to take part in this event. If you want to participate in the conference, please fill the registration form and send it to the organisation team by 25 March. For further information, please refer to the invitation, the registration form, agenda and some further information on the study trip that will take place on Friday, 15 April. Looking forward to seeing you in the Province of Drenthe! |