CPA presents policy recommendations to the Sustainable Development Group of the NSC
An important conclusion of the CPA partnership is the need to mainstream climate adaptationissues into relevant EU policies and programmes. The experiences of the CPA partnershipstrongly support the efforts and actions mentioned within EU communication documents suchas the White Paper for climate adaptation. Furthermore, the CPA partnership encourages the EUand the Member States to improve these actions by best-practice projects and experiences gainedwithin this EU Interreg IVB project. Cross-sectoral and cross-scale cooperation leads to soundstimulation of climate adaptation measurements with multiple benefits. Detailed investigation andcommunication of regional climate change effects and impacts raise the awareness of necessaryactions. A Climate Pre-Assessment (CPA) approach for policies and programmes helps avoidconflicts between the mitigation and adaptation options concerning climate change. The communicationstrategy of the CPA partnership is twofold: first this political statement addresses theEuropean and North Sea level for climate adaptation and second a booklet will be publishedwhich serves as policy communication tool on national and regional level. |