Media Launch
The partners of the Living North Sea project would like to invite you to celebrate the launch of this exciting new collaboration by joining us for lunch and a boat trip to the River Averijevaart in Belgium. You will learn first hand from representatives of the European Union, the Flemish Government and project partners about the problems faced by migratory fish. The Living North Sea project brings together 15 partners from 7 countries in the North Sea Region to address the problems facing sea trout, eel and other migratory fish. Nations of the North Sea share common natural resources and heritage of the fish species that move between the sea and freshwater to complete their lifecycle. Modern pressures have resulted in a decline of many of these fish. This partnership will demonstrate how these socially important species may be managed co-operatively for the sustainable development of the European Community. The Living North Sea project has a total budget of €6.4M and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg IVB North Sea Region programme.
Programme: 09:30-10:00: Arrival + coffee 10:00: Boat departure 10:00-11:30: Speeches by project partners and representaves of DG Mare, DG Environment and the Flemish Government 11.30-1300: Site visit 13:00-15:00: Return to starng point and lunch on the boat 15:00: Arrival at starng point |