Specialist Symposium on Climate Change and Sustainable Water Management
Programme 09.00 Arrival and Registration 09.30 Welcome Addresses Prof Arne Villumsen, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), Denmark – Prof Walter Leal, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, GER – Carsten Westerholt, The INTERREG IVB North Sea Region Programme Secretariat, Denmark 10.00 Climate Change: Hopes and Expectations from COP 15+ Prof Walter Leal, Hamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences, GER 10.20 New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management Dr Thomas E. Downing and Dr Sukaina Barwani, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden 10.50 Managing Water for the City of the Future – the SWITCH project Prof Kala Vairavamoorthy, SWITCH Scientific Director, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education 11.20 Coffee break 11.40 Towards Sustainable Urban Water Management Arjen Grent, HHNK, The Netherlands 12.00 Cultural Heritage and Water Management at the World Heritage Site in Bergen Ann Christensson, Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway – Dr Henning Matthiesen, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen – Hans de Beer, Geological, Survey of Norway, Trondheim 12.20 Transition Management to Promote Sustainable Water Management. Sustainable Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Infrastructure in Municipalities Dr Jens Libbe and Dr Thomas Kluge, German Institute of Urban Affairs GmbH, Germany 12.40 Discussion 13.00 Lunch break 14.00 Cultivating Resilience to a Changing Climate for an Uncertain Future Prof Richard Ashley, University of Sheffield, UK 14.30 Are River Basin Management Plans answering the Problems related to Eutrophication and Climate Change? Seppo Hellsten, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), FIN 15.00 The Climate Change Challenge in River Basin Planing and Management Henning Sten Hansen, Aalborg Universitet, Denmark – Pia Frederiksen, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark 15.30 Concluding discussion 16.00 End |