Project Events

GreCOR Final Conference



Green Corridor in the North Sea Region - GreCOR

Final Conference – 26 November 2014

Venue: Lindholmen Science Park, Gothenburg


09.30 Registration and coffee


10.00 Welcome and key note speeches

Moderator: Sofie Vennersten, CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Project manager GreCOR,

Green Corridors initiatives from a Swedish perspective

Torbjörn Sunesson, Swedish Transport Administration, Lead Partner representative

 The European Perspective on Green Transport Corridors

Stefan Back, The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

 Optimizing Green Corridor Performance: Lessons Learned from SuperGreen 

Professor Harilaos N. Psaraftis, Danish Technical University

Discussion and Q&A


11.00-11.10 Leg stretcher


11.10  Logistics for green transports

Introduktion the GreCOR project

Gustav Malmqvist, MIDEK AB, Deputy Project Manager GreCOR,

 Green Corridor assessment – application of the Super Green method to GreCOR

George Panagakos, Danish Technical University

 The role of contracts in achieving effective governance of intermodal terminals

Jason Monios, Napier University

 Demonstration of the PITS platform for intermodal and green routing of transports

Han Jongstra, Target Holding

 Discussion and Q&A


Lunch 12.30 – 13.15



13:15 Technology and green transports

Vehicle development and green transport technology

Cecilia Gunnarsson, Volvo Group Trucks Technology

 Extended trains lengths as a measure for green transports

Sandra Johansson, Swedish Transport Administration

Discussion and Q&A


13.45 Projects contribution to realization of greening of transport and EU strategies

Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor and the TEN-T BioGaC project

Carina Aschan, BioFuel Region AB  

The TEN-TaNS Toolbox

Phillip Smart, Aberdeenshire Council

Using the results from projects and analyses – TEN-T SWIFTLY Green

Ingemar Moen, CLOSER and René Schönemann, Technical University Berlin

 Discussion and Q&A


14.45 Coffee break


 15.15  Strategy and implementation of Greening of Transport

Presentation of the GreCOR Green Freight Strategy

Rikard Engström, Swedish Transport Administration

 Joint planning for the new railway Oslo-Gothenburg

Lars-Erik Nybø, Jernbaneverket

Opportunities for greening of transport in the new North Sea Region Programme

Jesper Jönsson, the North Sea Region Programme

 Discussion and Q&A


 16.15 Closing session

Pernilla Ngo, Swedish Transport Administration


Swedish Transport Administration
Lindholmen Science Park AB


Greening of transport

Registration Information

Welcome to GreCOR – Final conference at Lindholmen Science Park, Gothenburg

The GreCOR partners from Sweden, Scotland, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Norway have since 2012 been working together on how to promote efficient and environmentally friendly transport solutions in the North Sea region.

Among the results are a Green Corridor strategy and recommendations for assessment of environmental impact of transports and improvement of intermodal connections.  An ICT solution, the PITS market place, for  route planning will be demonstrated as well as results from several pilot sub-projects.

Date: November 26, registration and coffee from 9.30
Hours of programme: 10.00 – 16.30.

Programme GreCOR final conference

The GreCOR project_Final conference report_November 2014_WEB

The GreCOR project_Final conference report_November 2014_PRINT

Registration is officially closed. For late registrations please contact

For more information contact Karin Paulsson at Trafikverket or project manager Sofie Vennersten at CLOSER.  Contact

Meeting venue
Lindholmen Science Park
Lindholmspiren 3-5

Registration Deadline
14 November 2014

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