Central Aim
To find innovations that help prevent health care and cost reduction once care and cure are needed. Healthy lifestyle and regional transition are needed to ensure a long term guarantee of life quality for everybody. The project aims for a best practice approach based on the concept of “living labs”, using the approach and infrastructure of the Interreg IV-B project Vital Rural Area.
Envisaged Output
regional innovation concepts in the field of (prevention of) health covering - healthy lifestyle (food, mental and physical activity) - the use of ICT applications and domotics
Partners Found Already
Belgian, Norwegian and Dutch partners,
Partners Sought
From North Sea countries especially from Sweden, Denmark and UK.
Estimated Budget
6 Mio
Thematic Keywords
Regional transition 2. Healthy ageing 3. Healthy living and prevention of care 4. Improving life quality by technology 5. New entrepreneurship and profiling as health region
Lead Beneficiary
16 September 2014