Central Aim
The ultimate goal is to obtain one standardized system for the North Sea region to score, visualize and communicate the traceability and sustainability of landed fish in the fish auctions. In the long term, an information system on sustainability could trigger a shift towards more sustainable fishing. The seafood market is characterized by an increasing demand for sustainable seafood, therefore fish with a good sustainability score would have an improved position in the market. We expect this to result in better sales, better prices and an economic incentive for fishermen to adopt sustainable fishing practices at a faster rate. This could eventually lead to increased sustainability of the whole sector
Envisaged Output
- Pilots of the VALDUVIS tool in the fisheries sector of the project partners
- Assessment whether an up scaling of the tool to a North Sea Level is feasible
- Adaptation and fine tuning of the VALDUVIS tool in a North Sea context
- Benchmarking of the sustainability indicators on an North Sea level
- Study of the communication of traceability and sustainability of fish in the North Sea region
Partners Found Already
Partners Sought
We are looking for partners; research institutes, fish auctions, fish producer organizations, fisheries communities etc.; to - Run a pilot of the VALDUVIS tool in the fisheries sector of their own region
- Assess whether an up scaling of the tool to a North Sea Level is feasible
- Adapt and fine tune the VALDUVIS tool in a North Sea context
- Rethink communication about sustainable fishing in the North Sea region
- Benchmark the sustainability indicators on an North Sea level
- Study the communication of traceability and sustainability of fish in the North Sea region
Estimated Budget
Thematic Keywords
Fish Traceability Sustainability Communication
Lead Beneficiary