
27 May 2014
Stakeholder Sessions Update and Participants List

Close to 350 participants have already registered for the North Sea Conference, 25-27 June in Aberdeen, and around 40 stakeholder sessions will take place in the afternoon of day 2 of the event. 

Link to registration page can be found below. 

Stakeholder Sessions on Day 2 - Thursday 26 June 

NB - All session holders will receive further information about their specific sessions in time for the event, i.e. place and time for the individual session. 

Programme stakeholders have been invited to present a number of short and engaging sessions on day 2 of the North Sea Conference 2014, in the afternoon of Thursday 26 June. 

With more than 40 applications received for stakeholder sessions, participants can look forward to an intensive and engaging afternoon with passionate speakers introducing their take on the North Sea Region Programme and the region 2014 - 2020.

A sessions menu will be published on the website as soon as it is ready. Session titles and summaries will also be part of the final programme of the event.

Participants List 
Close to 350 participants have registered for the event to date. The latest participants list (version 27 May 2014) can be found here.

Please note that participants who have declined to have their names published as part of a participants list will not show.

Register for the conference 
Read more about the event and register

Event Calendar
Events Archive

09 July 2015