
14 December 2012
Get the tools and share the methods at the Final WaterCAP Workshop on January 29 2013

European and regional water policy makers meet here

The WaterCAP cluster has focused on climate change and its effects on the hydrological cycle in the North Sea Region and how we can deal with the challenges to society and natural habitat.

At this workshop you’ll meet European and regional water policy makers and together we’ll discuss examples from the North Sea Region on climate change adaptation.

Get the tools and share the methods

You’ll get the inside information on the expertise from the WaterCAP projects and get inspiration on how to transfer our innovative tools and approaches to handle your individual water management challenges.

The workshop will highlight the benefits from European wide exchange of regional experience- and provide a lookout on how this exchange could be encouraged in future.

WaterCAP builds on the outcomes of six InterReg projects: Aquarius, CLIWAT, CPA, C2C islands, DiPol, SAWA and BaltCICA. Combining specific success stories of the projects, we present the regional approaches on integration from three different perspectives:

  • Addressing specific issues of water quantity management (floods, scarcity) and quality (salt intrusion, nutrients management)
  • Presenting tools and methods that help to generate and process the necessary data and information
  • Learning from successful processes allowing the integration and support of all relevant stakeholders

All discussion will feed into specifying the needs for further developing our experience or for additional innovation.

WaterCAP wants to add value to the existing projects through sharing and building knowledge. This knowledge is communicated as a substantive block of evidence to inform policy makers in order to 'climate proof' relevant present and future directives and guidelines and their implementation. 

Read more about the Final WaterCAP Workshop in Brussels on 29 January 2013.

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