
12 December 2012
9th Call Pre-Announcement

The 9th Call for Applications will be launched in spring 2013. A pre-announcement paper is now available with background information, including a preliminary timeline.

Read more
Read more about the background and next steps in the pre-announcement paper.

Potential applicants are advised to read the background paper and coming guidance note carefully, since it will be a limited call with a number of restrictions and conditions.  

Preliminary timeline (all dates 2013, all dates tbc)
Mid-January: Guidance note published
31 January: Deadline for submission of ideas to Secretariat for feedback
7 February: Guidance event in Copenhagen
4 March: Call for Applications opens
8 April: Call for Applications closes
May/June: Decisions on applications

Guidance Note and Up-coming Event
A guidance note for the Call is currently under preparation and is expected to be published towards the middle of January 2013.

A guidance event is scheduled for 7 February 2013 in Copenhagen. Date and venue will be confirmed once registration opens in mid of January.

Latest information - More information after the Holidays
Please check the website for the latest information. Further details are expected to be posted after the Christmas Holidays.

Event Calendar
Events Archive

09 July 2015
06 July 2015
30 June 2015
18 May 2015
21 April 2015