”'Maritime Human Resource Management' is the first book that actively takes its point of departure in Human Ressource management in a maritime context”, said Head of Maritime Studies, Jeppe Sylvest Carstensen from Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC).
The latest publication has just been completed by the NMU project partner Maritime Development Center of Europe (MDCE). It is a student text book that provides a research based learning platform for bachelor students at maritime academies. ”It is a book that will have a natural place in SIMAC’s educations, now and in the future, as well as in other educations that are related to the maritime sector”, concluded Jeppe Sylvest Carstensen .
The work with the book began at the Center for Maritime Research and Innovation at the University of Southern Denmark. The book was revised by Bremen University of Applied Sciences and MDCE overtook the task of completing the book as new partner in the NMU consortium.
The book is written in English and contains 46 pages with 4 main sections: Human Resource Management as a field of research, Organisational structure in maritime companies, Organisational culture, and finally, Maritime labour relations. Each section contains a theoretical sub-section, a summary, further reading suggestions and assignments.

The authors of the book are: Senior research Associate Lisa L. Froholdt and Associate Professor Elin Kragesand Hansen. Contact regarding the book can be made to Senior Research Associate Lisa L. Froholdt at MDCE phone: +45 53 53 72 97.