In co-operation with NOFA (NL), the project Vital Rural Area will hold its third International Policy Forum on Regional Development on May 26th and 27th, 2011, in Multi-functional Village Centre de Beijer at Rinsumageast (NL).

The general theme of the forum is: youth and their expectations of living in the countryside in 2025. Keynote speakers and workshop facilitators from Belgium, The Netherlands and Denmark will present their contributions on regional development on Thursday, May 26th, 2011.
The forum programme will be presented by Bouwe de Boer, chairman of the day from The Netherlands. On Friday, May 27th, 2011, the participants will pay a study visit to the town of Dokkum and the Lauwersmeer National Park.
The programme has an open structure and character, with enough time and opportunity for networking, exchange of opinions and expertise, and to make new contacts.
For more details about the programme, organisational framework and registration/reservation procedure, please visit Vital's website: