
08 October 2010
NMU project meeting and stakeholder visit in Bremen
From September 29th to October 1st, the periodic NMU project meeting took place at University of Applied Sciences Bremen. The project partners gave a report on the status of the NMU modules: The developed modules have been tested within pilot runs and received a very positive feedback – both students and maritime business experts were pleased about the contents and learning experience. The cooperation between maritime business and NMU is an important issue to improve and to develop further education modules.
During the project meeting, the 25 participants visited Beluga Shipping, the leading company in project and heavy-lift shipping. NMU succeeded in acquiring Beluga Shipping as stakeholder earlier this month. With this dynamic and worldwide acting company as stakeholder, NMU has found another industry partner for critical dialogue about education needs in industry and delivering  tailormade NMU modules and module elements in the future in line with industry requirements. The participation of such a big player like Beluga Shipping shows the success of NMU and the indsutry demand to educate young maritime experts.

NMU partners also discussed the extension phase of their project. The extension was approved by the Steering Committee of the North Sea Region Programme during the summer. The transnational network of universities will develop specialised maritime industry relevant modules and pilot runs – in close cooperation with the stakeholders in the maritime industry during the course of the extension.
For more information about the project extension see 
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