The Monitoring Committee meeting no 7 was held on 29 and 30 September in Haarlem, the Netherlands. The decisions made by the committee include information about the next Calls for Applications and applications for cluster projects.
6th Call for Applications
The 6th Call for Applications will be open from 14 February to 14 March 2011. It will be a combined call, i.e. both project applications and applications for cluster projects can be submitted.
As for the application for new projects, priorities 1, 3 and 4 will be open. The Secretariat will provide an overview about the specific funding possibilities in a guidance note, which will be available for download in November.
Cluster Projects
Applications for cluster projects can be submitted within all 4 priorities of the Programme. An outline and framework for cluster projects will be presented during the Cluster Project Development Workshop in Bremen, Germany, on 13 and 14 October.
7th Call for Applications
The 7th Call for Applications will be open from 5 September to 3 October 2011. The call will be again open for usual and cluster projects. The funding possibilities will depend on the outcomes of the 6th call. Specific information will therefore be available at a later date.