
08 December 2009
Workshop: Getting Ready for the 5th Call

The Programme will organise a Transnational Project Development Workshop on 26-27 January 2010 in Antwerp, Flanders. The workshop will address project developers preparing for the 5th Call for Applications.

Individual sessions
During the workshop there will be ample opportunity for individual discussions of project ideas with the Secretariat staff and the National Contact Points.

The Secretariat will present the latest information about the 5th call and the application process. Furthermore, project developers will have the possibility to have internal meetings with their potential project partners.

NB! Project developers are strongly recommended to read the Guidance Note about the 5th call, which gives valuable details about the application process and the funding available.

The preliminary programme for the event is available for download here.

Registration for the workshop and the individual meetings will open soon.

Further reading:

Event Calendar
Events Archive

09 July 2015
06 July 2015
30 June 2015
18 May 2015
21 April 2015