Within the frame of the UN Climate Change Conference Copenhangen 2009 (COP 15) the North Sea - Sustainable Energy Planning project (North Sea - SEP) will carry out a meeting on 8 December 2009 (15-17h) at The Local Government Climate LOUNGE, organised by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability.
Under the topic sustainable planning for an energy transformation in the North Sea region the project partners will present their ideas and activities and are available for an open discussion. The project is funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund in the context of the Interreg IVB North Sea Program. The lead partner of the project is the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth which is situated in Northern Germany.
The project’s approach is based on the so called triple helix model – through a target-oriented and moderated cooperation of academic, financial and administrative institutions a plus of know-how will be set free and made usable. Thus, international as well as national and regional goals for climate and environment protection in the field of energy management and planning can be reached and implemented faster and more effectively.
With its 15 partners from North Sea riparian states Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Great Britain as well as 11 associated partners from these countries, the North Sea - SEP project is creating a platform for exchanging experiences and for the joint development of models and tools. Until 2012 the participating regions shall create the preconditions for a sustainable and trend-setting energy use and production. How this goal can be reached will be presented at the meeting on 8 December in Copenhagen.
Venue and date:
Hall C6 – ICLEI office, Bella Center, Copenhagen / DK
Tuesday, 8 Dezember 2009, 15-17h