At the UWC & NORIS Final conference on the 12-13 of September in Amsterdam, water quality was one of the topics at the centre of discussion. Water poses a major threat in tomorrow’s world.
Ted de Jong, project manager of the Urban Water Cycle Management project (UWC), is concerned. “Parts of the globe will suffer from inadequate supplies of clean drinking water whereas other parts suffer an excess of water as a result of climate changes.” Karolina Sahlström, project manager of the No Rainwater in Sewers (NORIS) shares the same belief, but at the same time, she remains positive: “Renovating leaking sewers and searching for wrong connections of stormwater can decrease excess water in sanitary sewers, and thereby contributing to the improvement of water quality for the future”.
Both projects are presenting guidelines, handbooks and policy recommendations in order to meet the future challenges of improving the water quality within the North Sea Region.
During the Final conference, Jesper Jönsson, North Sea Region Programme, gave a short overview of the new programme. The Call for Applications will be open on the 17th of September and closes on the 15th of October 2007.