
01 July 2013

Energy Vision North Sea Region - Project Outcomes

EVNSR presents projects results at EU SEW 2013.

28 June 2013

One week extension of online consultation!

The deadline to participate in the online consultation for the future NSR Programme has been extended by an extra week until Monday 8 July.

27 June 2013

iAge is Halfway!

18 June 2013

Updated - Annual Conference Videos Online

Videos with highlights from the conference in Halmstad are now available online.

18 June 2013

Finding the balance for ‘sustainable’ cruise excursions

Quiet and harmonious landscapes, remote beauty spots, cultural cities and towns, traditional buildings and historic sites … all are much sought after by the world’s cruise lines, seeking unique experiences for their passengers.

But this raises a dilemma, delegates at a Cruise Gateway conference heard: how can those sites, whether fragile buildings or sensitive countryside, be protected from the damage that can be caused by too many visitors? How can a beautiful, peaceful landscape (and its residents) cope with the influx of thousands of visitors and still retain its character and special qualities, for now and for the future?

10 June 2013

AC 13 Workshop Sessions Menu

The menu for the workshop sessions at the Joint Annual Conference 2013 in Halmstad, Sweden, is now available.

29 May 2013

Annual Conference Plenary Questions!

Questions can be submitted in preparation for the plenary sessions at the North Sea Region Programme Annual Conference this year.

28 May 2013

Joint Annual Conference 2013 - find out who is coming (UPDATED)!

Click here to find the latest updated participants list for the Joint Annual Conference 2013.

27 May 2013

Extended Deadline - Registration Open Until 31 May - Joint Annual Conference 2013

Registration for the Joint Annual Conference 2013 is open until 31May. The Joint Annual Conference 2013 will take place 11-13 June in Halmstad, Sweden.

27 May 2013

Aberdeenshire conference focuses on cruise ‘best practice’

The Royal residence of Balmoral, the clifftop fortress of Dunnottar and numerous other castles, gardens and other world-class visitor attractions have put Aberdeenshire on the map in the cruise ship sector.

That success – and the challenges that accompany it – have been highlighted in recent weeks, as Aberdeenshire Council continues to play a key role in the EU project Cruise Gateway North Sea.

19 April 2013

Dutch Transnational Event 24 June

A Dutch Event on Transnational and Interregional Cooperation will take place in Utrecht, 24 June 2013.

16 April 2013

Workshop Sessions at the Annual Conference 11-13 June

There are still a few workshop session slots available at the Joint Annual Conference, 11-13 June in Halmstad, Sweden.

09 April 2013

9th Call for Applications Closed - Updated

The 9th Call for Applications for projects under the North Sea Region Programme is now closed. Eleven applications for small projects and one application for an extension of an existing project were submitted.

09 April 2013

Energy Matters: a summary of the conference

The e-harbours conference Energy Matters drew a large audience to the city center of Zaanstad, March 21/22 2013. The conference marked a new step in the development of the e-harbours program, shifting the attention from research on the advantages and possibilities of smart energy systems to practical application of those systems.

09 April 2013

Esbjerg workshop considers ‘white spots development’ in cruise sector

Ports and regions looking to break into the highly competitive cruise market need patience, commitment and a strategic approach – and it is vital that they identify the features and attractions that really differentiate them from the opposition.

That was the conclusion from speakers and delegates at a workshop entitled ‘White Spots Development’, organised as part of the EU Cruise Gateway project.

The workshop, hosted by the Port of Esbjerg, Denmark, brought together partners and other experts to discuss ways of attracting cruise ships – and their passengers – to a region.

08 April 2013

Newsletter from e-harbours "We need to act smart from the start"

The e-harbours newsletter #4 is now presented with the following top stories:
- What Smart Grids can do when Energy Matters
- Five steps to help Smart Energy Networks take off
- Demand side flexibility in the Port of Antwerp
- Industry and renewable energy in the Northern Harbour of Malmö

04 March 2013

GSA cooperation in Canterbury

As we enter GSA’s final year it is essential to discuss project status and
progress. The most recent partner meeting (27th – 28th February) was hosted by
one of our UK partners, the Institute for Sustainability.

01 March 2013

Antwerp workshop focuses on innovative cruise strategies

26 February 2013

StratMoS: Short videos and Leaflets

The StratMoS project ended 30 September 2011. Dissimination of the project outcome is still important for us. The project consisted of 4 work packages and 5 demonstration projects. As part of the dissemination each work package and demonstration projects presented themselves and their results by making their own short videos and leaflets (7 short videos and 10 leaflets).

21 February 2013

Invitation to Submit Quotation - Event Video Production AC 2013

The North Sea Region Programme is inviting interested agents to submit a quotation for a short term contract regarding the production of videos at the Joint Annual Conference, 11-13 June 2013 in Tylosand, Sweden.

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