
14 December 2011

Master of Science in Logistics and Transport Management in Gothenburg

The School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, offers a master programme in “Master of Science in Logistics and Transport Management”.

30 November 2011

Steering Committee Meeting No. 7 - 7 Projects Approved

Steering Committee meeting No. 7 was held 29-30 November in Hamburg, Germany. At the meeting, the Steering Committee decided about the applications received under the 7th Call for Applications.

24 November 2011

German North Sea Regions Seminar 'Joining Forces' - Brochure Now Online

The German North Sea Regions event 'Joining Forces' was held 22 November in Brussels. Papers launched at the event on the Interreg contribution to the regions are now available online.

23 November 2011

Conclusions Paper from Joint Transnational Conference Online

A conclusions paper from the Joint Transnational Conference 2011, held 15-16 September in Katowice, Poland, is now available online.

18 November 2011

Guidance Note on Overheads Available Online

A new guidance note on overheads for projects under the North Sea Region Programme has been made availabe online.

10 November 2011

Watch our videos!

On the website you can find several interesting and informative videos. Look under "news".

21 October 2011

Findings and Lessons Learned from UK Audit Online

A paper with the main findings and lessons learned from the European Commission audit to the UK is now availabe online.

19 October 2011

DiPol Final Conference - presentations online

The presentations of the DiPol Final Conference are available for download from the project's website.

19 October 2011

"Maritime Human Resource Management" published

"Maritime Human Resource Management" published by the NMU project partner Maritime Development Center of Europe (MDCE) - a student text book provides a research based learning platform for bachelor students at maritime academies.

16 October 2011

Stakeholder Workshop, Bruges

MP4 Making Places Profitable is pleased to announce that registration for its Stakeholder Workshop is now open.  There will be five workshops, each covering aspects of placemaking and long term sustainable placekeeping under the five project themes of governance, policy, partnership, finance and evaluation.

If you are interested in joining us for our free workshops, please visit and download our invitation which includes detailed information about the timetable, workshop content and registration details.  


14 October 2011

Commissioner Hahn in a Live Webchat on Tuesday 18 October

Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, will be available for questions in a live webchat from 15-16 on Tuesday 18 October.

06 October 2011

Report on the development of maritime competences in the EU published

The Maritime Development Center of Europe has recently published a report entitled, ”Maritime Transport: Education & Competence Development in a Maritime EU”.

04 October 2011

Seventh Call for Applications Closed

The Seventh Call for Applications is now closed. A total of eleven full applications were submitted. Furthermore, the Programme has received two cluster applications.

03 October 2011

Lead Beneficiary Seminar - Presentations Online

Presentations held at the Lead Beneficiary Seminar No 5 on 27 and 28 September in Copenhagen are now available online.

03 October 2011

Interact Point Viborg Vacancy

Interact Point Viborg is looking for applicants for a position as Developer and Trainer in the area of finance. Application deadline is 19 October.

03 October 2011

The Joint Transnational Conference at Open Days

The Joint Transnational Conference will hold a workshop at the Open Days on 12 October in Brussels.

23 September 2011

Barger Compascuum Pilot Complete!

The centre of the village Barger Compascuum is now complete, using the Shared Space concept.  What was a busy crossroads governed by traffic and traffic lights, carving the village up and preventing good community relations. 

The traffic lights are now gone and what was a crossroads is now a village square where young people meet, children play and adults spend time.

Please visit the MP4 website to view a video which tells the story


21 September 2011

First newsletter from e-harbours

Now the first issue of the e-harbours newsletter is available to download.


21 September 2011

Two Vacancies at the North Sea Commission

The North Sea Commission has announced two vacant positions as Vice-Chairs for politicians from NSC member regions, for the Innovation and Education Group and for the Sustainable Development Group.

21 September 2011

Are you ready for the future?

DC NOISE is an Interreg IVB NSR project, it stands for Demographic Change: New Opportunities In Shrinking Europe. Since 2008, nine regions from five European countries have been working together to deal with the consequences of demographic change. An ageing society, fewer young people and population decline have an impact on the labour market, housing and service provision.

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