
07 August 2012

German Publication with North Sea Region Programme Relevance

The The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) in Germany recently published ‘European transport corridors and spatial development’.

06 August 2012

Payment Interruption to UK Beneficiaries Lifted

The payment interruption to UK beneficiaries which as been in place since August 2011 has now been lifted. The process to resume payments is underway.

18 July 2012

Sustainable Urban Fringes (SURF) Dissemination Conference

Around 80 experts and practitioners from across Europe attended the “Connecting Urban and Rural” Conference in Aberdeen in June 2012. The event highlighted the work and findings of the Sustainable Urban Fringes (SURF) Project.

29 June 2012

Joint Annual Conference 2012

The Joint Annual Conference 2012 of the North Sea Region Programme and the North Sea Commission was held 18-20 June in Bremerhaven and Bremen, Germany. 300 participants attended the event.

28 June 2012

NSRP Design Framework Contract - ToR Online

Relevant professionals are invited to submit a quotation for a design contract for the North Sea Region Programme.

28 June 2012

NSRP Results Tool Contract - ToR Online

Relevant professionals are invited to submit a quotation for a contract regarding a results and outcomes tool for the North Sea Region Programme. Deadline to submit bids is 6 August 2012.

28 June 2012

NMU launches its continuation

The NMU Network Conference 2012 focused on “Innovation in Maritime Education and Training” and was held on 21st June 2012 at the Speicher XI Bremen. The event marked the start of the NMU network, fortified by the consortium’s commitment to continue working together to pursue the project’s mission - offering moderne qualification modules for maritime industry.

21 June 2012

Cruise Gateway conference in Bremerhaven: making the right shore excursion choices

What do cruise passengers want from a shore excursion? What do the cruise lines expect? And what can excursion organisers and cruise destinations do to ensure they provide attractive options and make the most of the economic opportunities from serving the cruise sector?

These were some of the questions tackled at a special conference organised in the Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven by the European Union ‘Cruise Gateway North Sea’ project.”

19 June 2012

AC 2012 - Conference Video Day 1 Online

A web video with highlights from day one of the Joint Annual Conference can now be found on Youtube. The video shows different parts of the event, including comments from participants and short interviews with stakeholders.

18 June 2012

Sustainable Urban Fringes (SURF) Conference – Registration closing soon!

Registration closes on 20 June for "Connecting Urban and Rural", the dissemination conference of the Sustainable Urban Fringes (SURF) Project. 

The Conference, set to take place on the 28 June 2012 in Aberdeen will bring together practitioners, politicians, researchers and interested stakeholders to share experiences and find out more about the current situation and potential for the urban fringe.

18 June 2012

Official launch of the MTC Policy Paper: Maritime Transport and Future Policies - Perspectives from the North Sea Region

04 June 2012

AC12: More than 250 Participants - Find out who is coming!

More than 250 participants have registered for the Joint Annual Conference 2012 to date. A preliminary participants list is now available.

21 May 2012

REGISTER NOW: NMU Network Conference 2012

The NMU Network Conference “Innovation in Maritime Education and Training” will take place on 21 June 2012 from 9:00 to 15:00 at the Speicher XI in Bremen, Germany

This free-to-attend event will bring together educational institutions and industry members with the central objective of establishing a sustainable collaboration between them to enhance the innovation capacity of maritime sector. The conference run two sessions as well as a panel discussion. 

The focus will be on:

Competence development for academics and the maritime industry

Enhancing the attractiveness of careers in the maritime industry

21 May 2012

5th Newletter from SURF project

The Sustainable Urban Fringe (SURF) project fifth newsletter was published in May. This edition outlines information on the SURF Final Conference - Connecting Urban & Rural and highlights recent SURF events and activities.

09 May 2012

Steering Committee No. 8 - 3 Projects Approved

Steering Committee meeting No. 8 was held 8-9 May in Mechelen, Belgium. At the meeting, the Steering Committee approved three project applications.

04 May 2012

Second newsletter from e-harbours

"We’re not there yet, but renewables, smart grids and saving energy are
moving to the core of doing business." This one of the conclusions in the second edition of the e-harbours newsletter.

19 April 2012

ESPON Call for Proposals with North Sea Region Programme Relevance

ESPON has launched a Call for Proposals relevant for the Programme. The Secretariat would like to encourage experts in the region to consider submitting an application. Deadline is 13 June.

13 April 2012

NMU newsletter in March 2012 published

The NMU project partners are delighted to inform you that the 7th edition of their newsletter is launched. 

Download the NMU newsletter March 2012

06 April 2012

ecomm 2012 Conference

The ecomm 2012 Conference will take place 12-15 June in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Relevant projects under NSRP are encouraged to further investigate opportunities to participate.



04 April 2012

Knight Knight

Screen writing workshop resulted in new partnership

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