
06 January 2014

European Energy Innovation publishes CNSS Communication

The Clean North Sea Shipping (CNSS) project was recently featured in a communication published by European Energy Innovation.

06 January 2014

Invitation to Tender - Design Contract for Harmonised Brand

The Terms of Reference for a design contract regarding a harmonised brand for ETC (European Territorial Cooperation) has been published by Interact. Interested parties are invited to submit bids.

20 December 2013

THE UPSHOT 3 is now available

The third edition of THE UPSHOT presents the results of CLIWAT and reveals two possibilities for the new year: A chance to exhibit at the North Sea Commission conference in April and a final call for this programme period.

19 November 2013

Priorities approved for the North Sea region 2014-2020

The structure of the priorities for the new North Sea Region programme is now agreed. 

19 November 2013

Biochar end conference

Announcement of the end conference

18 November 2013

ICZM Assistant lives on in OURCOAST

The ICZM Assistant, being the main result of the SUSCOD (Sustainable Coastal Development) project, has been adopted by OURCOAST.

14 November 2013

E-harbuors newsletter; “We hope to inspire you”

The fifth issue of the E-harbours newsletter starts summarizing the first findings of the project. Or as the editorial states; "We hope to inspire you".

05 November 2013

THE UPSHOT 2 is now available

The second edition of our newsletter THE UPSHOT presents you with the results of the StratMoS and Aquarius projects in text, images and words from those directly involved.

17 October 2013

GSA Final Seminar

GSA Final Seminar will be held on 13th November 2013 in Zeegse (DR), The Netherlands.


Whilst airport stakeholders are under increasing economic pressure, public expectations are steadily growing regarding sustainability. Regional airports have joined forces in the Green Sustainable Airports project (GSA), initiated and developed by the Province of Drenthe and Groningen Airport Eelde (NL) in the pursuit of transferable, sustainable solutions for airport operations.

01 October 2013

Public consultation on the North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020

The results of the online consultation are now available in a summary report.

23 September 2013

GSA - 'green' runway at Groningen Airport Eelde

As the Green Sustainable Airports project comes in to its last phase, Groningen Airport Eelde (NL) opened their newly-built runway extension. Innovative, sustainable solutions at the airport have been filmed. This movie has now been launched on YouTube!

Please follow the link:



13 September 2013

School children celebrate transnational cooperation on EC Day

On 21 September 2013 and the surrounding days, you can join your “neighbour” in celebrating the achievements of more than 20 years of European territorial cooperation on European Cooperation Day. 

12 September 2013

Cruise Gateway closing conference: Sustainability focus for North Sea cruise

Cruise ports and destinations in the North Sea Region stand to benefit from the increasing interest in sustainability – and they should make sure their ‘green’ efforts are highly visible, delegates were told at the Cruise Gateway closing conference in Rotterdam.

11 September 2013

THE UPSHOT: Your news update on project closures

The first edition of our newsletter THE UPSHOT is now available online. 

14 August 2013

Positive outcome of PROWAD tourism strategy workshop in Niedersachsen


13 August 2013

Schleswig-Holstein adopted the PROWAD tourism strategy


12 August 2013

European Sustainable Energy Award for Bremen's Car-Sharing Action Plan

This year’s „European Sustainable Energy Award" in the category ‘travelling’ goes to Bremen – honouring the activities in the field of Car-Sharing. Dr. Joachim Lohse, Senator for Environment, Urban Development and Transport and Kerstin Homrighausen, Business Director of the Car-Sharing operator cambio Bremen received the award in the ceremony which was opened by Commissioner Günther Oettinger. He emphasized in his opening speech: “Energy efficiency is not a luxury, energy efficiency is a necessity for the future”. 

07 August 2013

ESPON North Sea Star Stakeholder Workshop

The ESPON North Sea Star project will be arranging a one day workshop to discuss energy themed projects and potential policy scenarios for the future. The workshop will take place 16 September in Delft, the Netherlands.

12 July 2013

On-Going Evaluation of Programme - Second Round of Reports Online

The next three reports referring to the on-going evaluation of the North Sea Region Programme is now available online. All reports will be made available online as they are finalised.

10 July 2013

Your answers help shape the next NSRP Programme

For the past six weeks, stakeholders have been invited to participate in our online consultation regarding the North Sea Region Programme 2014 – 2020. The consultation is now closed and results are being analysed and prepared as input for the Programme Preparation Group.

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