Executive Summary
Make your own book

Achievements of the IIIB North Sea Programme
Projects 2000-2006

About the North Sea Region

The seven North Sea Programme countries are Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the Flemish Regions of Belgium, the U.K and Norway. The region is connected by the North Sea, and the programme area is made up of regions in the six member states and Norway that border the North Sea. In size of the region covers an area of 664.000 km2. The region covers a population of approximately 60 million.



The North Sea Programme 2000-2006

- Achievements from six more years of transnational cooperation

The North Sea Programme - 7 countries around the North Sea working together to solve shared problems in the environment and social and economic development

Web based Portfolio
A web based and interactive portfolio showcasing the 70 projects of the Programme and the different themes is now available through the Programme website.

Summaries, facts and figures are displayed and the interface allows for print on demand as well as a ‘make your own book’ option, allowing readers to print the most relevant projects and sections of the portfolio in a unique book of their own.

The North Sea Programme 2000-2006
The 2000-2006 Interreg IIIB North Sea Programme part funded 70 projects under six themes relevant for the development of the region.

More than 7.750 organisations participated in one or more of the 70 approved projects, involving more than 40.000 people. 100 of the eligible 105 regions of the Programme participated in the Programme.

The programme has delivered in line with all financial and content related targets. The significant success in implementation was mirrored in the take up of funds. The programme has spent a total eligible expenditure of € 275 million.

Aim of 2000-2006 Programme
“To strengthen economic and social cohesion by fostering balanced development, with special emphasis on integrating remote regions, thereby maintaining and improving the quality of life for people living and working in the North Sea Region”.

The North Sea Programme worked with cutting edge policy areas relating to spatial development in the North Sea Region. Based on strategies of the European Union presented in the European Spatial Development Perspective and the NorVision, the aim of the Programme was to strengthen economic and social cohesion by fostering balanced development, with special emphasis on integrating remote regions.

Organisations and institutions in the seven participating countries - Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the Flemish Region of Belgium, U K and Norway – all contributed to the aim. The programme finished in June 2009.

The Programme was financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a Norwegian equivalent and contributions from all of the countries involved. The total grant budget for the 2000-2006 Programme was € 137 million.

Key objectives of the 2000-2006 Programme
•   Reducing levels of depopulation in peripheral areas
•   Supporting regional development and competitiveness
•   Improving economic conditions in economically weak areas
•   Preventing and remedying social exclusion
•   Improving the quality of life in the North Sea Region
•   Improving the physical environment of the North Sea Region

The basic principles behind the Programme
The programme strategy was founded on 4 basic principles:
1.   supporting transnational action,
2.   through cross-sectoral action,
3.   involving the relevant sectors at different levels,
4.   pursuing sustainable action.

Read more here.

The six themes of the 2000-2006 Programme
•   New opportunities for rural and peripheral areas
•   Better risk management along rivers and coasts
•   Improving transport
•   Using the environment responsibly
•   Making use of innovation and knowledge
•   Developing more competitive cities and towns

The North Sea
Region Programme Secretariat
Jernbanegade 22, DK-8800 Viborg, DENMARK
Tel.: +45 8728 8070 | Fax: +45 8660 1680
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